Tona Hangen

blog posts

WordPress 101 Workshop

[ cross-posted to Teaching United States History 2/11/13 ] It’s no secret to anyone who knows me that I really like WordPress. I use it for my own ePortfolio, for a variety of blogging endeavors both personal and professional, and…

History Now

[ crossposted to TUSH.0 on 12/27/12 ] The second half of the US survey, at least in our course catalog, goes “to the present.” How many of us actually get there in a typical semester? Be real. My last unit…

On Ending a Course

[cross-posted to Juvenile Instructor on 12/20/12] I’ve just finished teaching my fall course on American religious pluralism—in fact, I was supposed to post about this yesterday but I’m still grading their final exams and submitting grades. It’s that time of…

Summer Reading ’12

I don’t like the beach in the summer, but I do read a lot. So these books aren’t “beach reads,” exactly, but they are what I’ve been devouring this summer. The stack of possibilities far exceeds the number of weeks…

The Paperless Textbook Option

[Cross-posted to TUSH.0, the Teaching United States History blog, 7/19/12] Following up on Ed’s recent post about balancing a book’s beauty with its gee-whiz visual aesthetics, I wanted to continue the conversation about survey textbooks and formats. I’ve also been…