Tona Hangen

Archived Syllabi

My syllabi are licensed under Creative Commons license as Open Content with attribution and with no commercial uses. Click on any title or semester to access its PDF. Syllabi from 2011 onward reflect backwards design principles and look a lot sharper; they are designed on a Mac using standard Pages newsletter templates. For more on my design strategies: see Pedagogy and Syllabus Design, above. For course websites, click here.

Worcester State University (2008-present)

Undergraduate Courses

HI 112: US History II, 1877-present

HI 112: US History II, 1877-1945 (“old,” now replaced by HI 112 1877-present)

HI 113: US History III, 1945-present (now replaced by HI 203, see below)

HI 193 = First Year Seminar in History *Honors

HI 200 The Historian’s Craft (as HI 411 in 2011-2017)

HI 460 Senior Research Seminar in History (Capstone)

Undergraduate Electives

HI 203 The United States Since 1945

HI 207 American West: Myth and Reality

HI 215: History of American Thought

HI 217: US Social History

HI 220: American Military History

HI 290: Health and Healing in America

HI/PO 320: Citizen Nation

HI 345: Religions in America

Graduate Courses

HI 908 Teaching History

HI 910 Study and Writing of History

HI 914 Gilded Age (can be cross-listed with HI 353 Age of Reform)

HI 990 Special Topics

Brandeis University (2005-2008)

AMST 111a: Images of the American West in Film and Culture, Fall 2007
AMST 135b: Radio in American Culture, Spring 2007
AMST 168b: Religions in America, Spring 2006
AMST 168b: Religions in America, Spring 2005
HIST 117a: Native American History, Spring 2008
HIST 154b: US Women’s History 1600-1865, Spring 2008
HIST 51a: US History I, Fall 2007

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