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History CSI

(27) Tues 4/27 World War II
Reading: GML 22 (796-807) “Fighting World War II”

(28) Thurs 4/29 The Home Front(s)
Reading: GML 22 (807-815) “The Home Front” and (818-832) “The American Dilemma”

(29) Tues 5/4 Toward Postwar America
Reading: GML 22 (815-818) “Visions of Postwar Freedom” and (832-837) “The End of the War”
Mini-Lab #5 is due in class (Oral History)
In-class link: Murrow at Buchenwald, “Duck and Cover” (1951)

Sites for MiniLab #5:
Private Art’s War
WW2 Narratives in the Rutgers Oral History Archive
JARDA – Japanese American Relocation Digital Archive (Navigate to Personal Experiences –> Words and Writing)

Tues 5/11 Exam #3 (Ch 21-22) 12:30 pm – Study Guide here

Posted in Spring 2010.