For Mini-Lab #3, you will compare two journalists’ accounts from old newspapers or magazines. The paper’s due on Thursday 2/18, but you should start on it early, because the research will take some time online.
Basically you have two options. Option #1 = choose an event that took place between 1865 and 1900, and find TWO articles from that time period about the event, each from a different newspaper. Print each article to attach them to your paper.
Option #2 = choose one chapter of Jacob Riis’s book How the Other Half Lives, which is placed on 2-hour reserve at the College library circulation desk, and then find ONE newspaper article that fits with it, from about the same time period.
Old newspaper articles can be searched in the following links:
Boston Public Library –> Electronic Resources –> Newspapers –> Boston Globe (1872-1926). You will need an e-Card number, which you can sign up for online, under “My Account.”
New York Times Archive. Use the Search box, and specify “All results since 1851.” You can narrow the search by date or year, if you are searching for something that happened on a particular day, under “Advanced Search.”
Brooklyn Daily Eagle (1841-1955)
You can use any of the old magazines from the Cornell University’s “Making of America” online collection
Colorado Historic Newspaper Collection (1859-1923) – same kind of search engine as the Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Library of Congress “Chronicling America” historic newspapers (1880-1922)
California Digital Newspaper Collection
Quincy, Illinois Historical Newspaper Archive (1835-1919)
The Harvard Crimson (starts in 1873)
Sioux County, Nebraska, Newspaper Archives (1872 to the present)