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Fall 09 Week Eleven: Culture of the 1920s

28. Mon 11/9 Harlem Renaissance

Reading: HR Document Packet [pdf]

In-class links: Drop Me Off in Harlem, 1935 ethnic map of the neighborhood, 1925 Survey Graphic etext.

See also:

Red Hot Jazz Archive (Jazz before 1930)
Harlem Renaissance Webquest
Harlem History (Columbia 250)

Wed 11/11 No Class

29. Fri 11/13 Exam #2 in class – Study Guide here

Posted in Fall 2009, Week by Week.

Fall 09 Week Ten: Cultural Conflicts in the 1920s

25. Mon 11/2 Sacco and Vanzetti and Civil Liberties; the Election of 1928

Reading: GML Ch 20 (735-748) “The Birth of Civil Liberties” and “The Culture Wars”
PS = Statement of Sacco and Vanzetti

Additional resources:

Trial of Sacco and Vanzetti
Felix Frankfurter’s Atlantic Monthly report of the case, 1927

26. Wed 11/4 The Scopes Trial: A Case Study, Part I

Reading: Moran, Scopes Trial, Introduction and pp. 1-49

27. Fri 11/6 The Scopes Trial, Part II

Reading: Moran, Scopes Trial, “Cartoonists Draw the Scopes Trial” pp. 171-179 and “Race and the Scopes Trial” pp. 180-188.

Posted in Fall 2009, Week by Week.

Fall 09 Week Nine: The Jazz Age

22. Mon 10/26 Women Get the Vote, and other Constitution-Quakes

Reading: Kris Kobach, “Woman Suffrage and the 19th Amendment

23. Wed 10/28 Film, “Iron-Jawed Angels”

24. Fri 10/30 New Society and American Business

Reading: GML Ch 20 (719-735) “Business of America,” “Business and Government”
PS = Monster Mass Meeting; “Don’t Forget Her”

Digital Project Due – guidelines here

Posted in Fall 2009, Week by Week.

Fall 09 Week Eight: World War I and America Before 1920

19. Mon 10/19 The US and WW1, 1916-1920

Reading: GML Ch 19 (678-689) “Era of Intervention” and “America and the Great War”
PS = Safe for Democracy, Fourteen Points

Links to WW1 Online Archives:

World War I Document Archives
World War I Trenches on the Web
North Carolinians and the Great War
World War I Posters @ Library of Congress

20. Wed 10/21 The War’s Homefront and Defining Americanism

Reading: Ch 19 (690-718) “The War at Home” and “Who is an American?” and “1919”
PS = Espionage Age, Enemy Alien AND Browse the documents and resources on this website, “In Motion: The African-American Experience

Due in class: Research Paper

21. Fri 10/23 Digital Project Day

Meet in the library lobby near the circulation desk.

We will be working in the College archives on the library’s 2nd floor during class today & will be working on our digital archive project for the Digital Worcester website.

Posted in Fall 2009, Week by Week.

Fall 09 Week Seven: The Progressive Era

Mon 10/12 No Class

17. Wed 10/14 African-American Progressives – also please bring a printed copy of a rough draft/outline of your research paper to class

Reading: GML Ch 18 (645-661)
PS = Ida B. Wells (read part – it’s long); Letter to McKinley; Lynching from the Negro View AND “The Progress of Colored Women,” 1898

18. Fri 10/16 The American City and its Muckrakers; Labor and Women’s Movements

Reading: GML Ch 18 (637-645, 661-677) “Urban Age and Consumer Society,” “The Politics of Progressivism,” and “Progressive Presidents”
PS = Jungle excerpt; Bloor article; Carrie Chapman Catt; Eugene Debs; Bill Haywood

See also this Cornell University website on the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

Posted in Fall 2009, Week by Week.

Fall 09 Week Six: Race in the Progressive Era

14. Mon 10/5 Jim Crow

Reading: GML Ch 17 (608-616) :The Segregated South”
PS = Plessy v. Ferguson, Race Riots in Wilmington North Carolina AND Sharecropper’s Contract 1882

Link to film clip on Plessy v. Ferguson case (8:34) – Chapter 6

15. Wed 10/7 American Imperialism and the Lure of Empire

Reading: GML Ch 17 (624-636) “Becoming a World Power”
AND investigate the Library of Congress collection Spanish-American War, 1898

16. Fri 10/9 The Columbian Exposition: White City, Chicago 1893

Reading: 1893 Columbian Exposition – follow the links under “Welcome” and “Tour” to gain an overview of the fair and its wonders.

There’s also a Flickr set of archival images from the Brooklyn Museum.

Posted in Fall 2009, Week by Week.

Fall 09 Week Five: Freedom’s Boundaries, 1890-1900

11. Mon 9/28 Populism and the Election of 1896

Reading: GML Ch 17 (597-608) “The Populist Challenge”

12. Wed 9/30 The New Immigration, Chinese Exclusion

Reading: GML Ch 17 (617-624) “Redrawing the Boundaries”
PS = Lynching Chinese, Chinese Exclusion Act

Due in class: Little Paper #3 (Dime Novels)

13. Fri 10/2 Exam #1, in class

Posted in Fall 2009, Week by Week.

Fall 09 Week Four: How the West Was Won… and Lost

8. Mon 9/21 Homesteading and Ranching

Reading: GML Ch 16 (568-572) “Transformation of the West”
PS = Homestead Act Documents (National Archives website)
the virtual exhibit “There Are No Renters Here: Homesteading a Sod House

Due in class: Little Paper #2 (Journalism)

9. Wed 9/23 Indians Defend their Homelands; Dawes Act and the Reservation System

Reading: GML Ch 16 (572-579)
PS = Chief Joseph (GML p. 576), Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Carlisle School

10. Fri 9/25 The “Vanishing” Indian? – Representing the Other in Popular Literature

Reading: Beadle’s Dime Novel Cover Collection – this is the collection you’ll use for your Little Paper #3 which is due on Wednesday of next week (the other online exhibit of dime novel covers is at the University of Virginia). There’s no particular reading assignment, but get familiar with how to use the collection and how to search within it, and be prepared to discuss in class a few of the covers you looked at. Focus especially on how the covers depict Native Americans.

Posted in Fall 2009, Week by Week.

Fall 09 Week Three: The Gilded Age, 1870-1890

5. Mon 9/14 Overthrowing Reconstruction

Reading: GML Ch 15 (548-555) “The Overthrow of Reconstruction”
PS = Uncivil Liberty, Oration by Frederick Douglass

6. Wed 9/16 Industry, Corporate Capitalism, Sunshine & Shadow

Reading: GML Ch 16 (556-568) “The Second Industrial Revolution”
PS = Story of a Monopoly (1881); “Sunshine and Shadow in New York”
Andrew Carnegie, Wealth (1889)

7. Fri 9/18 Questions of Politics and Freedom

Reading: GML Ch 16 (579-596) “Politics in a Gilded Age,” “Freedom in the Gilded Age,” and “Labor in the Republic”
PS = excerpt from Mark Twain, The Gilded Age – read Ch 28, on Google Books (pages 301-315); and on Norton StudySpace, City Slave Girls, Riis “How the Other Half Lives”

By the way, the full text of Riis’s book is (or was – there may be a problem with the link) online at: . I have also put the text on 2-hour library reserve at the circulation desk.

Posted in Fall 2009, Week by Week.

Fall 09 Week Two: What is Freedom? Reconstruction, 1865-1877

Mon 9/7 – No Class, Labor Day

3. Wed 9/9 Reconstruction, the Unfinished Revolution

Reading: GML Ch 15 (520-531) “The Meaning of Freedom”

Due in class: Little Paper #1 (Objects)

4. Fri 9/11 Constitutional Change

Reading: GML Ch 15 (531-548) “The Making of Radical Reconstruction” and “Radical Reconstruction in the South”
PS = Amendments 13, 14 and 15; Sherman’s Field Order 15, Johnson’s Veto Message, Civil Rights Bill

Posted in Fall 2009, Week by Week.