Week 15: How Old is History?

April 30th, 2010 No comments

(40) Mon 5/3 Telling Recent History: Hurricane Katrina, the Election of 2008 (Little Paper #5 due)
Reading: HOT 485-495 = Coontz, Kornblut
Background reading: Moss 309-319/ GML 1059-1070

(41) Wed 5/5 Congress Day 8
In which we attempt to get through the rest of the legislative calendar!

Exam info:
Mon 5/10 Sec 01 Exam #3 8:30 am (Since 1980) – Congress Paper due
Wed 5/12 Sec 06 Exam #3 8:30 am (Since 1980) – Congress Paper due

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Week 14: Terror, American Style

April 23rd, 2010 No comments

Exam #3 Study Guide now available

(37) Mon 4/26 Waco, Homegrown Terror
Background reading: Moss 283-285/ GML 1030, 1040

(38) Wed 4/28 9/11 and Afterbring Chafe
Reading: HOT 418-438 Coates/Vok, 9/11 Commission
Background reading: Moss 296-298/GML 1038-1048, 1054-1059
In-class links: Sept 11 Digital Archive, Powell’s speech before the UN (2/6/2003)

(39) Fri 4/30 “Never Get Involved in a Land War in Asia” (–The Princess Bride) – bring Chafe
Reading: HOT 429-436 = Bush, Sheehan
Background reading: Moss 299-309/ GML 1048-1054
In-class links: costofwar.com, Sworn in with a Quran, America’s Toughest Sheriff, Arizona Ranchers Worry, New Arizona Law 4/28 and Public Agenda’s 2009 survey of immigrants (all via NPR)

Note: Please check the “End of Term” Info on the Congress Wiki about your Congress project paper, due at (or before) the final exam.
…and remember, your Little Paper #5 is due on May 3rd.

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Week 13: History of Your Time

April 16th, 2010 No comments

Mon 4/19 No Class

(35) Wed 4/21 The Year You Were Born (Little Paper #4 due)

(36) Fri 4/23 Multicultural America – Actually, Congress Day 7
Reading: HOT 469-481 = Census Bureau
Background reading: Moss 287-292/ GML 1015-1030

*We added another Congress Day to the calendar for both sections, so we will debate and vote on legislation today. However, you are still responsible for the reading and I could definitely spring a daily quiz to make sure you covered it. Hint, hint.

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Week 12: Gulf War, Racial Gulfs

April 9th, 2010 No comments

Reminder: write and submit a bill! Your deadline is Monday at midnight. Please, a maximum of 2 co-sponsors to a bill. Click here for the downloadable template. See the ones already uploaded here.

(32) Mon 4/12 Gulf War I
Reading: HOT 393-417 = Herring
Background reading: Moss 266-272 / GML 1001-1003
In-class link: Countdown to War (PBS Frontline), “Virtual War” (PBS On the Media 4/10/10)

(33) Wed 4/14 Congress Day 6
Committee hearings and legislative debate on your bills, and hopefully some votes (unless there’s a filibuster)

(34) Fri 4/16 The Clinton Years & the OJ Trial
Reading: Chronology of the Clinton impeachment trial, and view a 10-min segment of PBS Frontline on the OJ Verdict, “The Trial, Everything, is About Race” (Part Four).
Background reading: Moss 273-283/ GML 1003-1033

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Week 11: Wall Fall, Right Turn, and Faith on TV

April 2nd, 2010 No comments

(29) Mon 4/5 Iran-Contra and “Tear Down This Wall”peer review day – bring research paper draft to class. Bring whatever you have, whatever stage it’s in. Preferably in hard copy, although on-laptop is OK too.
Background reading: Moss 234-249/ GML 991-1001

(30) Wed 4/7 Politics of the Right
Reading: HOT 355-378 = McGirr, Dionne
Background reading: Moss 199-202, 212-213, 252-254, 273-277/ GML 978-982

Please note: Section 01 at 9:30 will not have class this morning. If you’re free, you’re welcome to come to the 10:30 class instead, and I will post class notes to your Blackboard.

(31) Fri 4/9 Televangelism
No reading – Research Paper Due

Reminder: write and submit a bill! Your deadline is Monday at midnight. Click here for the downloadable template.

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Week 10: Reagan Revolution

March 26th, 2010 No comments

(26) Mon 3/29 Exam #2 (1963-1979)

(27) Wed 3/31 Congress Day 5
Committees will draft legislation on issues relating to American policy and social problems since 1980. If you missed class, please read the CongressWiki page for Day 5. You will draft a bill (or be a co-sponsor of one) by Monday 4/11 at midnight. All legislation needs to be in by then in preparation for the Congress Day 6 on 4/14.

(28) Fri 4/2 Reagan Era, elections of 1980 and 1984
Reading: HOT 385-389 = Reagan
Background reading: Moss 220-233/ GML 986-991
In-class link: Reagan endorses Goldwater (1964)

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Week 9: Watergate and Wide Ties

March 12th, 2010 No comments

3/15-3/19 Spring Break

(23) Mon 3/22 Watergate
Reading: HOT 287-311 = Schrag, McQuaid
Background reading: Moss 154-169/ GML 957-970
Handout in class: Exam #2 Study Guide [pdf]
In-class link: Health Care Bill News

(24) Wed 3/24 Congress Day 4
President Richard Milhous Nixon stands accused of high crimes and misdemeanors. How will you respond?
In-class link: “I am Not a Crook” (11/17/1973), the Watergate Files, Barbara Jordan, “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” before the House Judiciary Committee 7/25/1974 (Part Two here), the HJC Vote

(25) Fri 3/26 The 1970s
Reading: HOT 312-330 = Farber, “Crisis of Confidence”
Background reading: Moss 171-219/ GML 971-986
In-class link: Iranian Revolution; Hostage Crisis

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Week 8: Vietnam

March 5th, 2010 No comments

(20) Mon 3/8 Vietnam: View from the Front
Reading: HOT 223-235 = Moore/Galloway and O’Brien, “If I Die in a Combat Zone” [pdf]
Background reading: Moss 127-132/ GML 938-940

(21) Wed 3/10 Anti-War Movement
Reading: HOT 236-260 = SDS, Chafe, Kerry, Clinton
Background reading: Moss 133-139/ GML 933-938, 940-943
In-class links: FWIW, Ohio , ATC #1

(22) Fri 3/12 Lessons of Vietnam, Remembering Vietnam
Reading: HOT 261-274 = McNamara/ Lind and Theriault, “Re-Membering Vietnam” [pdf]
Make-up lesson from Monday: 11:30 in S-318

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Week 7: the Sixties

February 26th, 2010 No comments

(17) Mon 3/1 Many Civil Rights Movements
Reading: HOT 137-162 = Rustin, Black Panthers, Rosales, Indians of All Tribes
Background reading: Moss 139-143/ GML 929-933

(18) Wed 3/3 Congress Day 3
Civil rights legislation will be on the table, and protesters may be outside in the streets.
In-class link: Summer of 1968, LBJ’s We Shall Overcome

(19) Fri 3/5 1968 – Talkin’ About a Revolution (Little Paper #3 due)
Reading online: Take a look at this PBS “Shock Year 1968” interactive timeline for overall context, and read Terry Southern “Groovin in Chi,” Esquire magazine, 11/68. In HOT read 163-197 = DeHart, NOW, Morgan, Vasquez, Schlafly
Background reading: Moss 143-151/ GML 943-956

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Week 6: Civil Rights Movement(s)

February 19th, 2010 No comments

(14) Mon 2/22 Johnson, Great Society
Reading: HOT 94-114 = Johnson, Schulman
Background reading: Moss 113-125 / GML 922-929
In-class link: 1964 Daisy Ad

(15) Wed 2/24 Civil Rights and Racial JusticeNo class – another Wednesday snow day!
We will postpone today’s reading and discussion to Friday, and bump Friday’s material onto Monday. *Remember to be preparing for next Wednesday’s Congress Day 3 by researching what your committee did (or wanted to do) during the 1960s and be ready to brief each other during committee work.

Reading for Friday 2/26: HOT 115-136 = Brown, Declaration, Moody, Chafe
Background reading: Moss 83-85, 102-106/ GML 899-909, 914-929
In-class link: MLK, “I Have a Dream” 28 Aug 1963

(16) for Mon 3/1 Many Civil Rights Movements
Reading: HOT 137-162 = Rustin, Black Panthers, Rosales, Indians of All Tribes
Background reading: Moss 139-143/ GML 929-933

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