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Week 4: Young and Restless

February 5th, 2010

(9) Mon 2/8 Youth Culture and “Juvies”
Reading: 2 document packets in PDF form, “Bringing Up Parents” (Time magazine), and Ruth Alexander, “What Price the Fatted Calf?” AND Hine, “Luckiest Generation,” (HOT 65-74)
Background reading: Moss 68-72, 76-78/ GML 896-899
In-class links: Memories of ’50s childhood, Alan Freed, Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley, Blackboard Jungle, Wild One, Rebel Without a Cause, Teenage Doll, Senate Comic Book Hearings

(10) Wed 2/10 Congress Day 2No class, due to snowstorm!!
Note changes to the syllabus schedule below. We will have our Congress Day 2 on Friday instead, and push the discussion of HOT 81-93 reading onto Wednesday along with the Cuban Missile Crisis.

(11) Fri 2/12 Congress Day 2
Truman and Eisenhower-era policy debates and discussion & I will hand out the Exam #1 study guide in class

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