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Week 8: Vietnam

March 5th, 2010

(20) Mon 3/8 Vietnam: View from the Front
Reading: HOT 223-235 = Moore/Galloway and O’Brien, “If I Die in a Combat Zone” [pdf]
Background reading: Moss 127-132/ GML 938-940

(21) Wed 3/10 Anti-War Movement
Reading: HOT 236-260 = SDS, Chafe, Kerry, Clinton
Background reading: Moss 133-139/ GML 933-938, 940-943
In-class links: FWIW, Ohio , ATC #1

(22) Fri 3/12 Lessons of Vietnam, Remembering Vietnam
Reading: HOT 261-274 = McNamara/ Lind and Theriault, “Re-Membering Vietnam” [pdf]
Make-up lesson from Monday: 11:30 in S-318

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