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Week 11: Wall Fall, Right Turn, and Faith on TV

April 2nd, 2010

(29) Mon 4/5 Iran-Contra and “Tear Down This Wall”peer review day – bring research paper draft to class. Bring whatever you have, whatever stage it’s in. Preferably in hard copy, although on-laptop is OK too.
Background reading: Moss 234-249/ GML 991-1001

(30) Wed 4/7 Politics of the Right
Reading: HOT 355-378 = McGirr, Dionne
Background reading: Moss 199-202, 212-213, 252-254, 273-277/ GML 978-982

Please note: Section 01 at 9:30 will not have class this morning. If you’re free, you’re welcome to come to the 10:30 class instead, and I will post class notes to your Blackboard.

(31) Fri 4/9 Televangelism
No reading – Research Paper Due

Reminder: write and submit a bill! Your deadline is Monday at midnight. Click here for the downloadable template.

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