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Posts under ‘Mythbusters’

Mythbuster – The Winchester 73

The Winchester repeating rifle model 1873 has been billed for years as “the rifle which won the west”. But what was left to be won by the year 1873? The transcontinental railroad had connected the coasts and divided the continent in twain [1], the great bison herd had been divided and the great Indians tribes […]

Mythbuster – Cowboys: Are They More than Rodeo Entertainers and Gun Slingers?

When most people hear the term cowboy, the first thing that pops into their mind is rodeos. If that is not the case then they think of old western movies, notorious for gun fights, with Wyatt Earp, Billy the Kid or Doc Holiday. Cowboys were more than rodeo participants, and more often than not, they […]

Mythbuster: Johnny Appleseed

The myth and legend of Johnny Appleseed is one that most children growing up in the US have learned. Johnny Appleseed was supposedly a man who wandered the lands west of the 13 colonies planting apple trees all around. Johnny could talk to animals and have them help him on his journeys. Johnny wandered the […]