Conversations, Presentations, Integration and Reconciliation

by Prof. Hangen - April 21st, 2010

(Last post of Spring 2010 semester)

By mutual agreement, here is how the last unit will go.

(27) Tues 4/27 – Discussion day on Gender

(28) Thurs 4/29 – Discussion day on the American Dream

(29) Tues 5/4 – Papers due
Food, festivity, and final thoughts on “the American idea”

As you wind down your learning journal ePortfolios, consider what you’ve learned in this class and also *how* you’ve learned in this class. I’d also be curious to know what you wanted to learn but didn’t – what didn’t we cover, or get to, that you hope to explore further? What ideas, themes, or readings have been essential to your learning, or most meaningful for you personally?

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