Mother of Exiles

by Prof. Hangen - April 6th, 2010

(22) Thurs 4/8 Settlement and the Urban Intellectual – Big Idea chosen by today
Reading: Menand Ch 12 (285-333) and Ch 14 (377-408)
In-class link: “The Dream of America

(23) Tues 4/13 Social Theory
Reading: ANWR: Part IX (279-309)

(24) Thurs 4/15 Democracy v. Melting Pot – Research Precis due today
Reading: Horace Kallen, “Democracy versus the Melting Pot” (1915) [pdf here]

(25) Tues 4/20 Harlem Renaissance: Black Modernist ThoughtClass cancelled today
Reading: Survey Graphic March 1925: “Harlem: Mecca of the New Negro” [on Google Books] – read the first two essays, “Harlem” and “Enter the New Negro”; several other essays are available but optional (“The Making of Harlem,” “Black Workers and the City,” and “The South Lingers On”); and read ANMR, The New Negro Woman – (54-60, 87-88, 168-171, 200-202). You might also want to review the part of Menand that talks about Alain Locke, at the beginning of the “Pluralisms” chapter.

Update Tues 4/20:
I’m sorry I wasn’t able to be there this morning. Journal about what you would have wanted to talk about; I will check journals between now and Thursday. We will discuss Aleinikoff’s article on Multicultural Nationalism on Thursday as planned, but will hopefully also wrap into it some of the material on the Harlem Renaissance. Focus in on Locke’s two essays in the 1925 Survey Graphic: what did he mean that Harlem was a new statue of liberty? Or a “race capital”? Why was this important in the 1920s; is it still important? Do we still have/need race capitals?

Also on Thursday we will sort out the 3 upcoming presentation days. Amazingly, most of your “big ideas” clustered into 3 main topics, so it makes sense to divide up the discussion days that way.

Professor Hangen

(26) Thurs 4/22 Cultural Pluralism
Reading: Aleinikoff, “Multicultural Nationalism” from The American Prospect, 1 January 1998

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