Unit 3: All Men Are Created Equal: Gender Equ(al)ity

by Prof. Hangen - February 28th, 2014

If one of the founding principles, a basic American value, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, is that “all men are created equal” – does that include women? Is gender equity an American value? Is equality gendered? What does “equality” mean anyway (and is it different from “equity”)? How have Americans in different times dealt with these questions? These are the central concerns of our third unit. It’s short, but important!

Tues 3/4 Female Emancipation. Discussion Leaders: Melissa B, Jolene P. Reading: JSM Book Chapters 5-7 (pp. 61-93) and pp. 176-189 “On the Equality of Sexes” and “The Gleaner Contemplates the Future Prospects of Women…”

Thurs 3/6 Seneca Falls to the 19th Amendment: The Suffrage Struggle. Discussion leaders: Brandy K, Katherine P. Reading: Seneca Falls Declaration, Elizabeth Cady Stanton “On Woman’s Rights“, Carrie Chapman Catt, “Speech to Congress on Women’s Suffrage, 1917

journal-cJournal Prompt #5 – due Thurs 3/6 Write a 350+ word journal response considering (connecting, contrasting, contending with) the ideas behind and the timeline of the struggle for racial equality vs the struggle for gender equality (keeping in mind that 1/2 of every “race” includes women). Are both “American” conflicts in the same way? Why or why not? Whose ideas have resonated or stuck with you the most since your last journal entry?

Tues 3/11 Justice and Gender in the Late Twentieth Century. Discussion leaders: Chris W, Steve P. Reading: Betty Friedan The Feminine Mystique (1963), Rebecca Walker, “Becoming the Third Wave” (1992)

Media Representation clips (today’s front lines) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Thurs 3/13 Presentation Day – no assigned reading. Groups present their “American Arguments” Project in class.

Reminder: Metaphysical Club is in Part III now.

Spring Break = March 15 – 23. Have a good break!

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