Archive for the 'In Class' Category

Discussion of Porter’s book: A Short History of Medicine

by Prof. Hangen - September 12th, 2010

Monday 9/13 we will be discussing Roy Porter’s book, Blood and Guts, so be sure to bring it with you to class. You will have made flash cards out of one of the chapters or some part of it, and bring those also or make sure I get them via Digital Dropbox before class starts.

I’ll give each group a few minutes to “present” on their chapter – raising discussion questions or giving an overview of the major themes, and talking a bit about how you decided what to make flash cards about and what you think are the most important things to be learned from your chapter.

Day 1: Course Intro

by Prof. Hangen - September 7th, 2010

Links for today –

The 1910 Flexner Report NPR story (All Things Considered, 8/16/2008)

The Full Flexner Report (Google Books)

For next time – create flashcards from the chapter you were assigned today from Roy Porter, Blood and Guts. Bring them to share with your classmates (as a document, online, in card form, or whatever makes sense) as we discuss the book in its entirety. I’ll make the actual copies after the next class & distribute them on Wed 9/15.