Archive for the 'Virtual Class' Category

End of Spring 2019 Semester (April 24 – May 10)

by Prof. Hangen - April 24th, 2019

Here is the rundown of modified deadlines and dates for the remainder of the semester, the all-online portion of the class.

Friday, April 26: Response #4 is due by 11:59 pm. The journals close (i.e. will be unavailable) after that. The prompt for Response #4 is in the back of the syllabus.

Monday, April 29: Post your Health Ad video project to Blackboard Discussion Board (Course Dialogue) in a post by 11:59 pm.

Monday, April 29: Honors students, finish your work on the Glossary by 11:59 pm.

Tuesday, April 30, Midnight: Glossary (Google doc) opens up for the entire class to view and study from.

Wednesday, May 1: Vote for your three top video choices by 11:59 pm. Use the link on Blackboard Unit 3 to a Google form. I will then list the 16 vote-getters in an elimination bracket which will be run on Blackboard between May 3 and May 7.

Friday, May 3: Vote for your favorites in each of the 8 contests (16 –> 8)
Submit your Policy Ad reflection paper to Blackboard Unit 3 by 11:59 pm.

Over the weekend May 4-5: Vote for your top favorites in each of the 4 semi-final contests (8 –> 4).

Monday, May 6: Vote for your favorites in the final round (4 –> 2) Submit your two exam questions on Blackboard Unit 3, using a Google Form, by 2:00 pm.

Tuesday, May 7: Vote for your #1 champion ad. Honors students finalize their version of the exam.

Thursday, May 9: Final exam (take-home online final) is released on Blackboard. You have 48 hours to take it, due Friday May 10 at 11:59 pm. “Force completion” will be turned off, so you can work on it until you’re ready to submit.

Thanks, everyone, for your hard work and making this class a successful learning experience for yourselves, each other, and for me! Have a great summer. And stay healthy ๐Ÿ™‚

Final Exam for Spring 2017 – Posted to Blackboard

by Prof. Hangen - May 8th, 2017

Continue reading →

Progressive Era Medicine and Reform

by Prof. Hangen - March 1st, 2017

On your own, enjoy exploring some of these links to give you a flavor for the Progressive Era and the interwoven public health, women’s rights and labor reform movements. Continue reading →

Journal #9 (Course Reflection Paper) Prompt

by Prof. Hangen - April 30th, 2014

Course Reflection Paper (due Fri 5/16) รขโ‚ฌโ€œ 5% of final grade

For your last paper, please reflect on some or all of the following questions, in 500-700 words. It can be posted to the class journal like the others you’ve written for this course. Continue reading →

Last Unit: The American Health Care System

by Prof. Hangen - April 2nd, 2014

April 2 – Poster and Presentation “Conference Day” on your Disease Projects Continue reading →

Discussion Questions for Part II of Pox (March 26)

by Prof. Hangen - March 19th, 2014

Use these questions to guide your 500-word journal entry due on Blackboard by March 26th, the date of our next “virtual class.” Continue reading →

For Feb 26 (virtual class)

by Prof. Hangen - February 21st, 2014

Due on Feb 26: your Diagnosis: History paper. Continue reading →

For Wed Feb 19th (virtual class)

by Prof. Hangen - February 16th, 2014

This week, continue reading in Rutkow’s book, Chapters 2 and 3, and the printed essay from The Birth of the Clinic by Michel Foucault. Continue reading →