Feb 12 Class

by Prof. Hangen - February 5th, 2014

Since Worcester State was cancelled on Feb 5th, we had to combine two classes.

Please still post the required Feb 5th journal entry (prompt is below) and we will have our discussion about this week’s readings when we meet on Feb 12th, along with the regularly scheduled material for Feb 12th. So Feb 12th will be a “double day” combining the Colonial Context with the medical story of Lewis and Clark.

For Feb 12th, please read (in addition to Rutkow Ch 1 and Ulrich “August 1787”) please do the following:

watch this brief overview of the Lewis and Clark expedition (the first 20 minutes of Ken Burns’ “Lewis and Clark” 2-part documentary – also embedded at the bottom of this post). It cuts off kind of abruptly, you really only need the first 16.5 minutes. If you need more info/background on the expedition, see this website.


read this PDF chapter by Volney Steele, “Lewis and Clark: Keelboat Physicians

To class on the 12th, BRING laptops. We will be working with some online materials and each person will need her own laptop. If this is a problem, please let me know in advance.

There is no journal entry due on Feb 12th, just come ready to talk about all 3 readings (which means, take good notes and write some discussion questions for the group in preparation).

Links for in-class work:
Ballard Diary (DoHistory.org)
Lewis and Clark Journals

Thanks, stay safe, see you then!

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