
by Prof. Hangen - February 24th, 2010

HI 450-06 (HI 450-H1 for Honors) MW 12:30 – 1:45 in ST 100
First class meeting: Wednesday, 9/8. Please bring Porter, Blood and Guts to class with you on Day 1.

This course will be taught in Fall 2010 by Dr. Tona Hangen, Assistant Professor of 19th and 20th century US History. It’s targeted to be of interest to majors in nursing and other allied health professions, but anyone is welcome – there is no prerequisite. The course will consider the history of medicine and medical education, nursing and nursing education, healing practices from colonial times to the present, and the growth of the American hospital and health care systems. More broadly, the course invites students to understand how views on disease and healing have changed over time in the United States, and to explore historically constructed meanings of sickness and health in our past and present.

*Don’t be confused by the HI 290 vs. HI 450 course listing. It is in the catalog as HI 290 but it went into the fall 2010 schedule as a HI 450, Special Topics in History. It’s all the same course, so no worries.

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