The Colonial Context (Wed 1/30)

by Prof. Hangen - January 28th, 2019

For Wednesday’s class, read the first two chapters of Burnham’s book, Health Care in America.

Use these discussion questions to organize your reading and note-taking and prepare for the day’s discussion / lecture.

Want more? Jim Cox, “That Quacking Sound in Colonial America” (Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Spr 2004)

What is Disease? (Mon 1/28)

by Prof. Hangen - January 27th, 2019

For today’s class, read Porter, Blood and Guts, Chapters 1-3.

Use these discussion questions to organize your reading and note-taking, and bring the book to class so we can discuss it in depth.

Welcome Spring 2019 Students!

by Prof. Hangen - January 4th, 2019

This website serves as the hub for Tona Hangen’s history course, “Health and Healing in America,” for the Spring 2019 semester at Worcester State University. This course meets Mon/Wed at 12:30 in Sullivan 108.

The three required textbooks for this course are listed under the “Readings” tab above. In addition, each student will receive a (free) course reader.

From this website, you can download the syllabus or access it online, stay up to date with course news and any changes, see the guidelines for the course papers and projects, and follow links to recommended history and writing resources.

This site is a blog, meaning it updates frequently and therefore you should bookmark it to stay up to date with all the course news and updates. I leave up the previous semesters’ information as an archive for my past students. You can safely ignore any post tagged “Spr17” or earlier.

If you have questions about the course before we meet in person on January 23rd, please feel free to email me, at thangen (at)

Final Exam for Spring 2017 – Posted to Blackboard

by Prof. Hangen - May 8th, 2017

Continue reading →

Health Care Debate

by Prof. Hangen - April 15th, 2017

Continue reading →

April 10 & 12 – ObamaCare, 2010 to 20–?

by Prof. Hangen - April 5th, 2017

Continue reading →

Unit 3: US Health Care System Policy in Contemporary America – Unit Overview

by Prof. Hangen - March 29th, 2017

Wed 3/29: we finish up the Pox book by looking at chapters 6-8.

Starting the week of April 3, we will examine the past and present of US health care policy … obviously a very timely topic. I’d advise paying more attention to the news about health care policy negotiations than you might ordinarily during the next couple of weeks, as this story is unfolding dynamically day to day. Continue reading →

No Class 3/15 – Disease Project Revised Due Dates

by Prof. Hangen - March 15th, 2017

With the University closed a second day for snow, we will not meet today (Wed 315) for class. Therefore the Disease Project poster conference will take place on Monday, Mar 27 when we return from spring break, and the Disease Project paper will be due on April 12. The syllabus has been revised to reflect the deadline adjustments and also the highly dynamic situation with health care reform, the topic of our final unit. Have an enjoyable snow day and break week!