Porter, Blood & Guts Ch 1-3 (Mon 1/23)

by Prof. Hangen - January 23rd, 2017

Response #1 is due on Wednesday, 1/25. Please use the readings so far and choose something to comment on, discuss, or analyze [Flexner Report, Porter Chapters 1-3, Hippocratic oath, Burnham’s Chapters 1-2]. Write a 400+ word reading response and post it to the Blackboard Response Journal by 12:00 noon on Wednesday. (Pro tip: compose and proofread your response offline and then cut/paste into Blackboard, to avoid losing work).

Links for Today:
Drug resistant diseases (CDC)
Black Death – Bubonic Plague clip (History Channel)

Reading for Wednesday:
Burnham, Health Care in America, Chapters 1-2

Welcome, Spring 2017 Students

by Prof. Hangen - January 3rd, 2017

This website serves as the hub for Tona Hangen’s history course, “Health and Healing in America,” for the Spring 2017 semester at Worcester State University. This course meets Mon/Wed at 12:30 in Sullivan 320.

The textbooks for this course are listed under the “Readings” tab above.

From this website, you can download the syllabus or access it online, stay up to date with course news and any changes, see the guidelines for the course papers and projects, and follow links to recommended history and writing resources.

This site is a blog, meaning it updates frequently and therefore you should either bookmark it or subscribe to it using an RSS feed reader (such as Feedly) to stay up to date with all the course news and updates. I leave up the previous semesters’ information as an archive for my past students. You can safely ignore any post tagged “Spr14” or earlier.

If you have questions about the course before we meet in person on January 18th, please feel free to email me, at thangen (at) worcester.edu

Journal #9 (Course Reflection Paper) Prompt

by Prof. Hangen - April 30th, 2014

Course Reflection Paper (due Fri 5/16) – 5% of final grade

For your last paper, please reflect on some or all of the following questions, in 500-700 words. It can be posted to the class journal like the others you’ve written for this course. Continue reading →

Last Unit: The American Health Care System

by Prof. Hangen - April 2nd, 2014

April 2 – Poster and Presentation “Conference Day” on your Disease Projects Continue reading →

Discussion Questions for Part II of Pox (March 26)

by Prof. Hangen - March 19th, 2014

Use these questions to guide your 500-word journal entry due on Blackboard by March 26th, the date of our next “virtual class.” Continue reading →

Smallpox in America, Part I for Wed Mar 12 (in person)

by Prof. Hangen - March 8th, 2014

As we agreed, please read up through Chapter 3 of Willrich’s book Pox: An American History. Continue reading →

Meet the Civil War Nurse – Wed Mar 5 (in person)

by Prof. Hangen - February 28th, 2014

I look forward to our in-person meeting this week, especially as I’m eager to hear your responses to our reading. Continue reading →

For Feb 26 (virtual class)

by Prof. Hangen - February 21st, 2014

Due on Feb 26: your Diagnosis: History paper. Continue reading →