Porter, Blood & Guts Ch 1-3 (Mon 1/23)

by Prof. Hangen - January 23rd, 2017

Response #1 is due on Wednesday, 1/25. Please use the readings so far and choose something to comment on, discuss, or analyze [Flexner Report, Porter Chapters 1-3, Hippocratic oath, Burnham’s Chapters 1-2]. Write a 400+ word reading response and post it to the Blackboard Response Journal by 12:00 noon on Wednesday. (Pro tip: compose and proofread your response offline and then cut/paste into Blackboard, to avoid losing work).

Links for Today:
Drug resistant diseases (CDC)
Black Death – Bubonic Plague clip (History Channel)

Reading for Wednesday:
Burnham, Health Care in America, Chapters 1-2

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