History Now Project

by Dr. H - December 1st, 2010

If you missed class, please drop by my office (S327-B) to pick up a packet ASAP

Project instructions (PDF)

NOTE: when you submit the project on Dec 8th, also return the packet folder. Don’t mark on the packet or its materials in any way, because these will be re-used from semester to semester. Treat them as valuable archival primary sources, and leave them pristine for the next group to look at.

Here’s the worksheet for your packet, in Word document form. Just open the document, type into it, and save it.

Stories on the WikiLeaks release of hundreds of thousands of classified diplomatic cables, what one journalist called “the 9/11 of diplomacy”

Peter Kornbluh reflects on what it all means, on PRI’s “The World” (11/30/10) 4:25

Monday 28th coverage on NPR All Things Considered “Damage Control by the State Department” 4:00

UK’s Guardian newspaper website on the US Embassy cables

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