Small Syllabus Change & Other News

by Dr. H - January 27th, 2011

I’m giving you a heads-up that I will be out of town the end of next week for a conference, so we will not have class on Friday, Feb 4th. Document Duels will still be due; you can upload them before 9:30 am to Digital Dropbox, turn them in on Wednesday Feb 2 in class, or drop them Thursday or Friday in my office mailbox in Sullivan 327-B.

Every Friday, I will post a PowerPoint highlighting the week’s in-class slides, to help you review and improve your class notes. Those will also be archived on a new course webpage called “Slides” starting this Friday 1/28. I’ll still post one next Friday even though we won’t have class. And we will keep to the reading schedule as outlined in the syllabus, although it means we only have one day to discuss Chapter 19 (Wed 2/2).

If you wrote a Document Duel for last week, I have graded them and will hand them back tomorrow. However, to help you in writing your second paper, I’ll be emailing each of you my comments so you know how you did before you finish writing DD#2.

Finally, I have posted an example of a strongly-written Document Duel, for those of you who would like to have a model to work from. Yours does not have to look like this one, but sometimes students benefit from seeing what a good paper looks like. It will also be on the updated Document Duel page; click the tab above.

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