Preparing for Exam #1

by Dr. H - February 14th, 2011

Our first exam will be Wednesday, February 16th. It will cover the material in Chapters 17-21 of Experience History. It will be an open-book test. You can bring and use both the Experience History textbook and the For the Record reader (but no notes).

The format will include multiple-choice questions, a timeline, short identifications and an essay question that will ask you to use one or more documents in the FTR reader.

Do not assume that because it is open book that you will not need to study. Open-book exams are considerably harder than closed-book ones, I assure you. I am not providing a “study guide”; let the book be your guide – you are responsible for anything that is covered in the textbook. You should study the textbook thoroughly, including the review & timelines at the end of each chapter. Remember that you can also take advantage of the free self-tests, flash cards, quizzes and other review materials at the Norton StudySpace, and using the resources in their Chapters 18-23 will allow you to study the material that this first unit has covered.

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