Preparing for Exam #3

by Dr. H - March 31st, 2011

The exam next Friday, April 8th will cover Chapters 27-30, and will be closed-book but “open note” for the portion that covers the civil rights movement. I would like each of you to make notes about the civil rights movement, either in the form of a TIMELINE or in the form of a CONCEPT MAP. You can bring those notes to the exam, and you’ll staple it to your test when you turn it in (your notes will become part of your exam grade).

What you put on it is entirely up to you. You can make it as detailed or simple as you like: this study tool is to help you, so you should design it in whatever way works best for you. I am envisioning something that fits on 1-2 sheets of paper, there’s no need to get more elaborate than that.

Please note: Although it’s fine to collaborate with others while you study or work on your notes, each person needs to bring his or her own unique note sheet to the exam. Any 2 or more timelines or concept maps that are exactly the same as each other will receive no credit.

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