Skill Builder Assignment #1, due Friday 9/9

by Dr. H - September 7th, 2011

Instructions for Skill Builder 1, due Friday Sept 9

The remaining skill builders in this semester will be based on historical evidence from your textbook, but this first one asks you to look at, evaluate, and draw conclusions from a website.

Navigate to:

Investigate the different parts of this website.
Consider the evidence presented.

Write a 2-page (no more, no less) double spaced paper that addresses at least some of these questions:

  • What is a historical question this website asks? What kind of question is it (a question of fact, of interpretation, or of something else?)
  • What kind(s) of evidence does this website discuss?
  • In your view, what is a reasonable answer to the historical question?
  • What are the methods of historical investigation in this case?
  • Examine the references for this website. How well researched is it?
  • Discuss the chosen display design (a Flash Player “e-book”) – how well did it fit this topic?
  • What did you find most intriguing, interesting, or useful in exploring this website?

Give your paper a title (not “Skill Builder #1)

Cite the website using a footnote with the proper citation format (Chicago Style), as follows:
Author/creator, Title in italics, year, URL, date of access.


Chicago Historical Society and the Trustees of Northwestern University, Wet With Blood: The Investigation of Mary Todd Lincoln’s Cloak, 2000, (accessed September 6, 2011).

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