Choose a Reading for Wed 12/7

by Dr. H - December 2nd, 2011

Links for in-class viewing on Fri 12/2

9/11 Ten Years Later (History Channel)
George W. Bush Address to the Nation, 9/11/2001

Wednesday’s class  on 12/7 will be focused on addressing your questions, curiosity and knowledge gaps about 9/11/2001. Remember to keep our Unit 5 model in mind. Start with the event itself: what happened, and what did it mean? Then work either forwards (legacy, consequences, short and long-term effects) or backwards (what do you need to know in order for this event to make sense to you?).

Choose your own reading from the list below; these include resources, articles, videos, curriculum lesson plans, and other material from 9/11/2001 and the 10-year commemoration earlier this fall. Take a close look through at least one of these links, and read more if you feel you need more.

September 11 Digital Archive

Time Magazine special issue 9/2011 – “Beyond 9/11: Portraits of Resilience”

New York Times, “9/11: The Reckoning

Wall Street Journal 9/12/201,1 “America Grieves, Reflects” resources on 9/11: Ten Years Later

Resources on 9/11 Commemoration from the National Council for Social Studies

“Understanding 9/11” Resource Guide for Educators from the Foreign Policy Research Institute

“9/11 as History” – lesson plans and programs for kids K-12

9/11 Commission Report (2004)

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