For Week of 1/30 – Late 19th Century Cities

by Dr. H - January 28th, 2012

Monday 1/30: City Life – read EH 545-555. Also Skill Builder #2 is due (see the “Skill Builders” tab above for guidelines and examples).

Wednesday 2/1: City Culture – read EH 555-566

Some links:
Scott Joplin, playing the “Maple Leaf Rag
Dancers performing ragtime styles (last minute of this clip)
History of Vaudeville
Historic Vaudeville Footage
Want a tutorial on dancing to ragtime music?

Friday 2/3: Unit Exam #1, in class. We will agree on Wed in class what is permissible to bring to Friday’s exam.

Image: Third Avenue in Manhattan, from the New York Public Library Digital Gallery

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