Constitutions Day; Start of Unit 3

by Dr. H - February 20th, 2012

Monday 2/20: No class, Presidents Day

Wednesday 2/22: Constitutions and Women’s Suffrage. Reading: Amar, “How Women Won The Vote” (PDF)

Friday 2/24: Workshop Day for the 1930s. Reading: EH 680-684 and bring your curiosity!

2 Responses to “Constitutions Day; Start of Unit 3”

  1. Danielle Paige says:

    This article is an interesting portrayal of American resistance and eventual submission to change. It seems to me that the United States, especially in the west, began to “need” rather than want women’s suffrage and so went to great lengths to achieve that. Also, I think that slowly women’s suffrage took over the United States because of foreign competition. This article mentions New Zealand as being a leading country in Women’s suffrafe, and so in America’s fashion, we could not trail too far behind. Although, I do think that the enventual success of Women’s suffrage is very important in my life because it marks one of the reasons why I am sitting here writing this comment right now.

  2. Chelsey Peso says:

    Reading this article was very informative. America was extremely resistant with allowing women to have equal rights, especially voting rights. Eventually, this all changed. We, as America, do not like to fall behind in respect to all other countries, so besides the many other reasons, we had to accept women suffrage in order to remain in the top few countries. Woman’s suffrage was pushed for very strongly, and it took a lot, but it finally was accepted, and now women are viewed as equal.