Getting Started – What to do for Friday, Sept 7th

by Dr. H - September 5th, 2012

1) Read the syllabus

2) Decide how you will access the AHUS textbook this semester

3) Read AHUS Table of Contents and Ch 1. Understand the multiple meanings for the word “RECONSTRUCTION”

4) Write your first SkillBuilder. The first assignment is a little simpler than the subsequent ones will be. Choose ONE primary source from one of the following sites, and DESCRIBE it in a short 2-page paper (exactly 2 pages – no more, no less). EXPLAIN how it is a useful piece of evidence about the era of Reconstruction (1865-1877). CITE the source using your best approximation of a correct Chicago Style footnote (see your copy of Hacker, A Writer’s Reference or use the sidebar link to Hacker’s guide to citing historical sources). TITLE your paper with something clever or relevant (not “SkillBuilder #1”). SUBMIT it as a printed paper on Friday or EMAIL it to me BEFORE CLASS BEGINS.

5) Prepare to vote on the unit lenses & bring your ballot to class with each lens USED ONLY ONCE. If you need a new ballot, download the PDF here.

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