Unit 2: 1900-1932 Modern America through a Military Lens

by Dr. H - September 21st, 2012

This unit will focus on war and the military from 1898 to 1920, which will include American imperialism, US involvement in Latin America, and World War I. It is a short unit and will move quickly through the material. The online quiz will cover other terms and concepts listed below, drawn from Chapters 4-6. Use the 1900-1932 tab above to find primary sources for your SkillBuilder #3.

Here’s an overview of the unit (also found on the schedule, see the link in the left sidebar).

Mon 9/24 – The Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars. Reading: Ch 3.4 “Imperialism at Home and Abroad”

Wed 9/26 – Foreign Policy and the Flag. Reading: Ch 4.1.5 “Latin America and Asia”

Fri 9/28 – Workshop Day on the Insular Cases, Hawaii and the start of WW1. SkillBuilder #3 is due . BRING YOUR LAPTOPS TO CLASS. Reading: Ch 5.1 “Wilson Administration and the Coming War”

Mon 10/1 – World War I. Reading: Ch 5.2 “The Great War and America” + 5.3 “Armistice and Aftermath.”

Wed 10/3 – Constitutions Day. Reading: Amar, “How Women Won the Vote” (PDF). The online quiz will open up after class on this day.

Just for fun –

Fri 10/5 – In-class Exam #2

List of terms and concepts for the online quiz:
Progressivism – who were Progressives? What were their goals? What did the movement achieve?
Theodore Roosevelt – his political philosophies, accomplishments, and complexities
Muckrakers – who they were, what they wrote about, strategies and goals
Niagara Movement – what was it, who was involved?
Lawrence Textile Strike (this is the 100th anniversary), also called the “Bread and Roses” strike, why?
IWW or the “Wobblies”
Constitutional Amendments #16, 17, 18 and 19
Fordism and the American Plan
The Second Klan
National Origins Act of 1924
Harlem Renaissance

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