Revised Unit 4 Plans

by Dr. H - November 14th, 2012

Well, the water main break has made a really long weekend – no class today, Wed 11/14.

Here is how we will revise the schedule and grading for Unit 4:

1. I am cancelling the in-class exam on Monday 11/19. That day will be a regular class, on popular culture during the Vietnam War. Here’s one minute from 10 years of network news coverage of the war, with CBS’s Walter Cronkite:

2. In place of that exam, I am making a longer online (i.e. open-book) multiple-choice test. It will be 30 questions long, each worth 2 points, for a total of 60 points replacing the 57 points of the online + written portions. The online test will open on Friday, November 16th after class and remain open until just before midnight, Wednesday the 21st. You can take it up to 3 times.

3. Please read chapters 10.3 (“America and the World During the Kennedy Years”), and all of 11 and 12. The test will cover the following concepts and terms from those chapters:

Cuban Missile Crisis
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Great Society (including Medicare, Medicaid)
Second-wave feminism including NOW, Ms, ERA, and Title IX
Vietnam War terms: Gulf of Tonkin, Rolling Thunder, Tet Offensive, My Lai Massacre, War Powers Act
Election of 1968
New Left
Kent State shooting
Pentagon Papers
the 1970s “crisis of confidence”
Iranian revolution and hostage crisis

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