The 1920s (and footnote corrections)

by Dr. H - February 26th, 2013

This week we’re talking about the 1920s: an introduction to modernity and modernism on Monday based on the first part of Chapter 22, and on Wednesday an in-class workshop on the Harlem Renaissance (read ACH Ch 22 673-687) – please bring laptops on Wednesday 2/27. If you want a sneak preview of online resources, check this page of Harlem Renaissance links.

Reminder: be working on a draft of your Primary Source paper, using any two documents of your choice from the reader. The draft is due as a printed paper in class on Friday 3/1.

For your MDQ (Monday Daily Question) this week you practiced writing identifications and also making footnotes. In checking my advice handout I found I had made a mistake myself on the handout (believe me, I know it’s hard to get footnotes right!).

The correct form for citing a document in Fernlund’s book is (using Document 20-8 as an example):

3. Booker T. Washington, “Atlanta Exposition Address,” Up from Slavery: An Autobiography (1900), in Documents for America’s History: Volume 2: Since 1865, ed. Kevin J. Fernlund (Boston and New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011), 142.

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