Exam #1 – Reminders

by Dr. H - September 25th, 2013

Friday, Sept 27 will be our Exam #1, drawing from the readings in Chapters 18-19 and our workshop class sessions during this first unit of the course. Remember – your lowest exam gets dropped, so if you miss this one just let it go, as there are no make-ups on exams.

What to bring to the exam: you may bring ONE 8.5×11″ sheet of paper and it can have anything printed or written on it (both sides OK). Also bring two pens or pencils (good to have an extra, in case). The exam will be closed-book, closed-note except for the one piece of paper.

Also – please make sure you take the online quiz (Blackboard –> Quizzes) before Friday’s class. Once it closes, it’s gone, and none of the quizzes gets dropped: they are all required.

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