Reminders for Friday, Sept 6th

by Dr. H - September 5th, 2013

For Friday’s class:

Read the syllabus thoroughly. I handed it out in class, but you can also access it anytime from the sidebar of this site or from Blackboard as a downloadable full-color PDF or view it online as a flipbook.

Read the handout I provided summarizing each of the Henretta textbook’s chapters (here’s the handout if you need it again). Decide on TWO for each unit that you are most interested in. Bring the handout back on Friday with your favorites marked.

Read ACH (the smaller red/brown textbook, America: A Concise History) Chapter 15 and be prepared to talk about different possible meanings for the word “Reconstruction.”

And lastly, write your first SkillBuilder paper (SB #1) using the document you received in class on Wednesday. Detailed instructions for these papers are found in the syllabus and under the “SkillBuilders” tab on this website (also head to that page if you missed class on Wednesday and didn’t get a document). Review the SB guidelines carefully for length, format, and how to submit them!

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