Unit 3 – World War, Cold War, and the Liberal Consensus

by Dr. H - October 24th, 2014

In our third unit, US history collides with world history in a big way, and we seek to explain how the US became involved in the Second World War and the subsequent Cold War. We also explore the transition from the New Deal “welfare state” through the wartime homefront years to a multi-decade era of prosperity and political consensus. But were the postwar “good times” for everyone?

Fri 10/24 World War II. Reading: Chapter 23. Constitutional Module #3 will go live on Blackboard (due by Nov 24).

Mon 10/27 Workshop Day – bring textbook to class. Reading: Documents from Chapter 23

Wed 10/29 Primary Source Project Peer Review / Writing Workshop. No reading, but bring a *printed* draft of your Primary Source paper to class.

Fri 10/31 Opening of the Cold War. Reading: Chapter 24.

Mon 11/3 Workshop Day – bring textbook. Reading: Documents from Chapter 24

Wed 11/5 Troubled Innocence. Reading: Chapter 25. Primary Source paper is due

Fri 11/7 Liberal Consensus. Reading: Chapter 26. Exam 3 Study Guide will be handed out.

JFK Inagural Speech – January 1961 | Click here for full transcript

LBJ excerpts from “Great Society” commencement address – May 1964 | Click here for full transcript

“Great Society” v. Vietnam – from a PBS Documentary about Johnson’s presidency

Mon 11/10 Discussion Day on Postwar America. Reading: Review Chapters 24-26.

Wed 11/12 Discussion: The Constitution in Political and Social Movements. Reading (bring with you to class): the US Constitution (textbook pp. Appendix A7-17).

Download Exam 3 Study Guide

Fri 11/14 Exam #3 (Chapters 23-26). As before, you may bring one 8.5×11″ sheet of paper with anything on the front and/or back.

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