The Constitution in Political & Social Movements

by Dr. H - November 9th, 2015

Mon 11/9 Reading: bring textbooks, review the Constitution (it’s in the Appendix).

Questions to consider:
How important was the Constitution in the civil rights and other social / political movements of the 1960s?
What were the legal, legislative and Constitutional milestones in that struggle?
How does this living document remain relevant — both as a legacy of that generation and in our own time?

Links for today:

Civil Rights Movement: Redefining the Meaning of Equality
Constitutional Amendments and Major Legislation (History of the House of Representatives)
Diane Rehm Show series “The Constitution Today
Steven Schwinn, “Civil Rights Act of 1964: Enduring and Revolutionary

President Lyndon Johnson’s Voting Rights Act speech to Congress 15 March 1965

(full speech heretranscript here)

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