Seminar 2 – WWI and the 1920s (Feb 13-22)

by Dr. H - February 10th, 2017

Over the next two weeks, we’ll study the dramatic changes that happened in the United States between 1916 and 1932. The newly-militarized U.S. joined a global conflict and sought to be a world leader in its postwar resolution; the nation shifted towards cultural and political conservatism and xenophobic nativism partly in response to the influx of foreign-born; and it became a more “modern” nation in many new and measurable ways.

Monday, Feb 13: Class cancelled due to snow. Reading is GML Ch 19 “Safe for Democracy”

Wednesday, Feb 15: Reading is GML Ch 20 “The Twenties.” Lecture will cover GML 19 and 20. Seminar 2 question will be handed out and exams will be returned.

Links for today:
Prohibition (PBS / Ken Burns)
Red Hot Jazz Archive

Monday, Feb 20: No Class, Presidents Day holiday

Wednesday, Feb 22: Seminar #2. Covers the documents in WWL Ch 7-9 and the “Voices of Freedom” documents in GML 19 and 20.

Reminder that the Constitutions module #2 is now open on Blackboard until March 13; the quiz is now posted as well. I have also added three (ungraded) resource modules on Blackboard: Historical Thinking, Writing in History, and Foolproof Footnotes. If you had trouble with the first Seminar paper, these should help.

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