Cities, Immigrants and Progressivism (Feb 20 & 22)

by Dr. H - February 15th, 2019

Chapters 18 and 19 explore the period at the end of the 19th century and before World War I through the lens of urban life, immigrant experiences, and reform movements often lumped together as “Progressivism.”

Monday, Feb 18: No Class, University Holiday

Download questions to help structure your textbook note-taking and studying of Chapters 18 and 19.

Wednesday, Feb 20: Reading is Chapter 18. Remember that Constitutions Module #1 is due on Blackboard by 11:59 tonight.

Links for today:

NY Tenement Museum
Emma Lazarus’s poem written in honor of the Statue of Liberty, 1883

Friday, Feb 22: Reading is Chapter 19.

Immigrants arriving at Ellis Island Immigration Station in New York City, 1892

Link for today:
The National Memorial to Peace and Justice (anti-lynching), opened 2018 in Montgomery Alabama

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