World War II, 1933-1945 Ch 23 (March 25-29)

by Dr. H - March 22nd, 2019

The learning objectives for this week include:

  • Identify the key reasons behind the US intervention in World War II and discuss the arguments of those who opposed it.
  • Describe the effects the war had on the US economy and on the lives of women and families.
  • Compare and contrast the treatment of minority groups and their responses on the home front.
  • Discuss the Allied military strategy in fighting World War II on the European and Pacific fronts, including how it affected US-Soviet relations and the Holocaust.

Study Questions for Chapter 23

Mon, March 25: Document Workshop, but you won’t need textbooks. Bring laptop or tablet for in-class work.

I also demo’d how to utilize a library resource for basic scholarly historical research.

Library Homepage –> Subject Guides –> History and Political Science Guide –> US History in Context. Note since this is a WSU library resource you need to be logged into your WSU account to use it.

Links for Monday: DPLA 1929-1945 / The Blitz / It’s Everybody’s War 1942

Wed, March 27: Read first half of Ch 23, up to “Impact of World War II.” PSA #5 due by classtime.

Fri, March 29: Read rest of Ch 23. Constitution Module #2 (on Blackboard) closes at 11:59 tonight.

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