Unit 2: World War II at Home and Abroad

by Dr. H - October 5th, 2011

This unit focuses on American experiences during World War II (1941-1945). Chapter 25 is background, on the Depression and the New Deal and the changes in the economy and the structure of government, society and culture that preceded the entry of the United States into the Second World War. Chapter 26 concerns both the progress of the war on its fronts overseas and at home.

Wednesday, Oct 5 we will begin by asking questions and mining documents about the beginning of the war: the attack on Pearl Harbor, mobilization, and the internment of Japanese Americans living on the West Coast. Reading: EH 725-737

Friday, Oct 7 is an overview of the war. It is, of course, a very complex 5-year event around the globe, so this will be fairly basic to give you a sense of the chronology of this era. Reading: EH 737-742, and also use this online interactive resource (made by History.com, the History Channel): http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/interactives

Monday, Oct 10 – no class, Columbus Day

Wednesday, Oct 12 is a second in-class “workshop” day – we will use a variety of primary sources from the World War II era, including documents, posters, photographs, music, and newsreels and/or cartoons.

On Friday, Oct 14 we will look at portrayals of the Second World War in film, and your 4th Skill Builder is due.

Monday, Oct 17: a discussion of the end of the war; Reading is EH 742-749.

The Unit 2 exam is Wednesday, Oct 19.

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