Unit 3: Cold War America and the Atomic Age

by Dr. H - October 21st, 2011

Posted by kocojim on FlickrThis is a short unit, dealing with America in the early Cold War, the atomic age, and the era of McCarthyism. The online quiz will open on Monday by classtime and close on midnight Friday Oct 28 and will be drawn from Chapter 28 of your textbook.

Fri, Oct 21: Dawn of the Atomic Age, with film clips (see below). Reading to do prior to class: EH 27 750-769.

Mon, Oct 24: The Cold War; please have read EH 27: 757-769 before coming to class.

Wed, Oct 26: Workshop Day, bring laptops to class; no assigned reading but review your previous readings

Fri, Oct 28: Who was McCarthy and how did he become an “ism”? Skill Builder 5 is due. Please read EH 27: 769-777

Mon, Oct 31: Americans and the Bomb, or the Atom in popular culture. Please read an essay by Terry Tempest Williams, “Clan of the One-Breasted Woman” (PDF)

Wed, Nov 2: Exam #3 in class. The exam will use material from our class sessions and Chapters 27 and 28. It will NOT be open book or open note.

Nuclear Bomb Test images (Retronaut)

Video links for class on Friday 10/21:
Atomic Attack” 1950 film/ NYC attack, family bomb shelter (46:00)
Duck and Cover” 1951 civil defense film for children (9:15)
Survival Under Atomic Attack” 1951 civil defense film (8:45)
A is for Atom” 1953 film cheerleading peaceful uses of atomic energy (14:26)
Operation Cue” 1955 nuclear test film (15:00) – this film depicts the “Apple-2” test shot from the “Teapot” series on 5 May 1955 in Nevada
Nuclear Test Film #55” civil defense film (15:00, wonky soundtrack)

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