The Cold War Begins, Mon 10/24 – Wed 10/26

by Dr. H - October 23rd, 2011

Handouts so far:
Unit 3 overview + atomic bomb documents (4 pages)
Kennan Telegram + NCS-68 excerpt (2 pages)

Powerpoint slides for Monday, 10/24 lecture on the origins, key documents, politics, and foreign policy strategies of the early Cold War (1945-1952)

The Cold War Begins

Useful links:

Interactive map of Europe in the 20th century (BBC)
George Kennan’s “Long Telegram” from Moscow in 1946 (full text online)
Winston Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech, delivered March 1946
Economic Recovery Act of 1948, aka “The Marshall Plan”
The Truman Doctrine speech, 1947
NSC-68, 1950 top-secret policy report, declassified in 1975 (see the full page-by-page scan at the Truman Library)
Digital History, Cold War (online textbook)
Cold War Museum

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