Unit 4: The 1960s

by Dr. H - November 6th, 2011

Life Magazine cover, 12 June 1964

Our unit on the 1960s will focus on the Vietnam War and the conflict that resulted–both in Southeast Asia and on the American homefront.

The unit’s online quiz will open Monday, Nov 7 at 9:00 am and close on Monday, Nov 14 at midnight. The online quiz concerns the movement for civil rights in the 1950s and 1960s (Chapter 29 of your textbook).

In class, we will be dealing primarily with Chapter 30 in this unit.

Mon, Nov 7
: An in-class workshop, working with sources for your first research-based paper (see “Projects” tab above for more info and guidelines for the paper), which is due on Monday, Nov 14th.

Wed, Nov 9: The Road to Quagmire. Before class, read EH, Ch 28:794-804 and Ch 30:842-848 and 865

Fri, Nov 11: No class, Veteran’s Day. How appropriate! Look for news coverage or local events that connect to the Vietnam conflict, and try to bring something to share in class on Monday.

Mon, Nov 14: Vietnam in Pop Culture. No reading; Primary Source Project paper is due.

Wed, Nov 16: Protest and Conflict at Home. Before class, read EH Ch 30:826-832 AND online, the testimony of William Crandell, giving his opening statement before the “Winter Soldier Investigation” Congressional Panel, January 31-Feb 2, 1971.

Fri, Nov 18: Remembering Vietnam. Reading: EH Ch 30: 868-871, and an article by Kim Servant Theriault, “Re-Membering Vietnam: War, Trauma, and ‘Scarring Over’ After ‘The Wall’” (PDF)

Mon, Nov 21: Unit 4 exam in class

Reminder: No class on Wed, Nov 23 – enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday

Photo credit: Allposters.com

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