Your 9/11 Questions

by Dr. H - December 3rd, 2011

These will be the basis of our class discussion next Wednesday. You’ll be working on answering them to your satisfaction and so will I, and let’s bring our thoughts together next Wednesday to build a collective framework for understanding this complex event and its many repercussions in our nation and world today.

Questions Re: 9/11/2001
Why did the hijackers choose the specific date of 9/11/2001?
Why were the World Trade Center towers the target? What was their importance or significance?
What were the motives of this attack? Why did they attack us?
What did the hijackers think was going to happen?
Where was Flight 93 headed, what was its intended destination?
What kind of security breaches occurred at the related airports that allowed the hijackers and their weapons on board the aircraft?
Why did groups that we supported in the 1980s and 1990s later turn into terrorist groups so hostile and determined to hurt our country?
Why did the US give Arabs weapons in the 1990s?
Were there any signs this was going to happen?
If the government knew what the terrorists were planning, was there really a conspiracy or did the attackers just get lucky?

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