For Fri 1/27: Workshop Day

by Dr. H - January 26th, 2012

For our first workshop day on Friday 1/27, please bring your laptops to class. We will be working in pairs or threes and the more laptops we have in class, the better this will go. To prepare, read the section on “Digital Detecting” on EH p. 527. We’ll work with historical photographs, maps and film clips to help us understand the late 19th century urban environment.

We have a NEW classroom location, since Sullivan 320 is so cramped. From now on, we will meet in LRC-168. This classroom is on the bottom floor of the library building. The easiest way to find it is to enter on the Student Center side through the sliding glass doors into the lobby with the vending machines. Take your first hallway on the right, and then it’s the first one on your left.

Your next Skillbuilder is due on Monday, 1/30. Please use the tabs above and read the “Skill Builders” page. You may write about any of the “Dueling Documents,” “Historian’s Toolbox” or “After the Fact” sections from *anywhere* and any time period in your textbook. If you would like to go deeper and explore something that’s not in your textbook, I’ve now posted a list of ideas I’m calling “Extreme Skill Builders” – check out the tab above. Feel free to consult with me if you have any questions about these assignments. On the Skill Builders page, I’ve posted a couple of good examples from past semesters so you can see a model of how these work.

Remember, the online quiz (found on Blackboard under “Quizzes”) closes on Friday night at midnight. You can take it up to 3 times; it draws from EH Chapters 18 and 19.

(laptop illustration, used under Creative Commons license from ichibod)

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