Unit 3: 1932-1954 From Depression to Prosperity

by Dr. H - October 8th, 2012

Background reading for this unit = Ch 7-10. Our lens is the economy and labor, which is well suited to helping us understand the Crash, Depression and New Deal. This is a longer unit, because it also includes time to develop and write a 5-page paper based on a book of primary sources (paper guidelines here).

Image of the FDR Memorial credit: Getty Images/CNN

Mon 10/8 – No classes, Columbus Day

Wed 10/10 – Hard Fall from the 1920s. Reading: Ch 6.4 through the end of that chapter

Fri 10/12SkillBuilder #4 is due (use the 1932-1954 tab at the top to access primary sources for this unit). No reading – we will use class time to begin the Primary Source paper project.

Mon 10/15FDR and the First New Deal. Reading: Ch 7.1 The First New Deal

Wed 10/17 – New Deal Winners and Losers. Reading: Ch 7.2 Last Hired, First Fired

Fri 10/19 – Writing Workshop – please bring your PRINTED paper draft to class for a peer review session.

Mon 10/22 – Second New Deal. Reading: Ch 7.3 Second New Deal and its Opponents

Wed 10/24 – Popular Culture of the 1930s. Reading: explore some of the other resources on the 1932-1954 Tab besides the one you chose for your unit SkillBuilder.

Fri 10/26Grapes of Wrath. No reading; your Primary Source paper is due in class.

Mon 10/29No Class today, WSU is cancelled. Assuming you have power and internet, you can complete the task we would have done in class, which is to take a look at either some letters to, or newspaper columns written by, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt from one of the links below. After looking at several, choose one and complete a Library of Congress primary source analysis on it (here’s a link to a type-into PDF version of the form which you can use). I’ll give up to 5 points extra credit to anyone who emails or brings me a completed primary source analysis by the time we meet again on Wednesday. The online quiz is scheduled to open up on Wednesday after class as planned.

Dear Mrs. Roosevelt
My Day by Eleanor Roosevelt

Wed 10/31 – WW2 in One Day. Yes. This is what we will do. Reading: All of Ch 8. The online quiz will open up on this day after class.

Terms and concepts that will be on the online portion of the exam: Lend-Lease, Neutrality Acts, Executive Order 9066, Fred Korematsu, Code Talkers, Bracero Program, Double V Campaign, CORE, Tuskegee Airmen, D-Day, Manhattan Project, Iron Curtain, Marshall Plan/ Berlin Airlift, NATO, United Nations, GI Bill and McCarthyism

Fri 11/2 – Unit 3 Exam.

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