For Friday 2/1

by Dr. H - January 31st, 2013

Chaiwa - Tewa, by Edward CurtisFriday’s topic is the dispossession of American native peoples and their fierce resistance to these policies, especially Plains Indians in the late 19th century.

Reading: CH 16 pp. 494-505 (once again posted on Blackboard as a PDF, hopefully for the last time – everyone should have a 5th edition by this weekend; if not, please let me know via email).

Due: SkillBuilder #2. If you are still without the reader, check here for alternative documents. Consult the syllabus or the SkillBuilders tab (above) for guidelines, and here’s the advice handout in case you need it again. If you need help with Chicago Style footnotes, use the links in the left sidebar.

Online quiz: on Friday morning, an online open-book 12-point quiz will open up in “Quizzes” on Blackboard. You will have ONE WEEK to take the quiz up to 3 times, with 30 minutes per attempt. The questions and/or the possible answers may be randomized for each new attempt. The quiz questions all come from Chapter 19, which is the chapter in this unit we are *not* reading for class. The quiz will be open from Friday Feb 1st at 9:00 am to Friday Feb 8 at 9:00 am. Quiz grades are relatively low-stakes, but are required- I do not drop any of the quizzes.

(Image: Chaiwa – Tewa woman, photographed by Edward Curtis, courtesy of the Library of Congress)

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