Business, Work, and Immigration – Week of 2/4

by Dr. H - February 3rd, 2013

art_17_03_child_labor.CrpdThis week, we’ll be reading Chapter 17 and exploring the history of business, industrialization, labor unions, and immigration. Those are big forces, so we will try to understand them not only as broad collective movements and trends, but also at the level of the individual, the family, and the community. Also, don’t forget to take the online quiz (on Ch 19) by 9:00 am Friday 2/8!

Mon 2/4 – Big Business Getting Bigger. We will have our first Monday Daily Question (MDQ) right at the start of class. Come having read ACH Ch 17 p. 506 – 521 (the syllabus says 522 but it ends on 521). The reading is once again posted on Blackboard in case there’s still someone without a 5th edition. Click here for a link to Harvard’s trade card exhibit I mentioned in class, and here are Monday’s slides (click the fullscreen icon to enlarge):

112.7 BigBusinessGildedAge.4Feb13

Wed 2/6 – Immigrants, East and West. Reading = ACH Ch 17 p. 533 – 528. Who was coming to the US as an immigrant in the late 19th century? What were their prospects as new Americans? Who could, and who couldn’t, become a US citizen? Where did new arrivals live and find work?

Links we’ll use in class on Wednesday:
The Great American Melting Pot
Photos of New York’s immigrant neighborhoods from “How the Other Half Lives” (Jacob Riis/ UVA Xroads)
Immigration Explorer Map (New York Times)
The Chinese in California 1850-1925 (Library of Congress)
Ellis Island Museum and Foundation

Fri 2/8 – Labor Gets Organized. Reading = ACH Ch 17 p. 528 – 537. SkillBuilder #3 is due by the start of class. Online Quiz #1 will close at 9:00 am. Update: if the weather is bad on Friday and school is cancelled, no worries – just email your paper, and make sure you’ve taken the online quiz. I will send out or post the slides & notes from that day if we don’t have class.

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