Fri March 8 – No Class, Paper Deadline Extended

by Dr. H - March 8th, 2013

School is cancelled today because of the snowstorm. If you are done with your paper you may email it to me. If you’d like to keep working on it, I will also accept your printed paper on Monday 3/11 in class. Reminder that the reading for Monday is ACH Ch 23 p. 711-723 “The New Deal’s Impact on Society.”

Note: the online quiz is STILL OPENING today at 9:00 am. It will be open, for up to 3 attempts (20 minutes per attempt) from now until 9:00 am Friday March 15th.

Here are the slides I would have used in class today; you can study from these along with pages 696-711 in your textbook. Click on the fullscreen icon to enlarge the slides. I realize there’s an error on slide 7 – the Bonus Army was in 1932, NOT 1929.

112 DepressionNewDeal.Spr13

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Take care, see you Monday!

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