Unit 1: The Victorian Era

by Dr. H - September 12th, 2013

In our first unit, as you voted, we’ll explore aspects of American culture from 1880 to the end of World War I. We particularly focus on gender (i.e. social constructions of mens’ and womens’ roles), the idea and experience of “the modern,” and the rise and reform of industrial cities. Here are the readings and workshops for this unit:

Friday, Sept 13: Men and Women in the Victorian Age. Reading = ACH 18: 538-549. SkillBuilder #2 due in or before class.

Monday, Sept 16: Public Spheres, Sacred Spaces. Reading = ACH 18: 549-566. Remember there is an MDQ (Monday Daily Question) on Mondays as class begins. Great links for today: “America on the Move” (Smithsonian Institution) on the Pullman Cars (and lots more!), and this site on the 1913 Armory Show

Wednesday, Sept 18: Workshop Day – Who Were the Victorians? Reading: Review ACH Chapter 18. Please bring the Fernlund documents book to class.

Friday, Sept 20: The New Metropolis. Reading = ACH 19: 569-583. Online Quiz #1 opens this morning on Blackboard under “Quizzes”; it will draw from ACH Chapters 15-17 and will be open until Friday, Sept 27. You can take it up to 3 times.

Monday, Sept 23: City Government and City Reform (+ MDQ). Reading = ACH 19: 583-596

John Muir and Teddy Roosevelt in Yosemite, 1903

Wednesday, Sept 25: Workshop Day – Muckrakers and Ashcan Artists. Reading = Review ACH Chapter 19. You may want to bring your laptop to class today.

Friday, Sept 27: Exam #1, drawing from the readings in Chapters 18-19 and our workshop class sessions. Remember – your lowest exam gets dropped, so if you miss this one just let it go, as there are no make-ups on exams.

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